Safe Hands Terms & Conditions

Safe Hands Terms & Conditions

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by us to the contrary
a) These conditions of contract (which supercede any earlier conditions) shall apply to all quotations issued by the Company and to any contract arising therefrom and no waiver thereof or variation or addition thereto shall be binding on the Company.
b) These conditions shall override any terms or conditions stipulated or referred to by the customer whether in the order or in any negotiation.
Unless withdrawn in the interim, quotations are open for acceptance for a period of thirty days from the date of issue.
For the avoidance of doubt these conditions of contact shall apply wherever the work is carried out.
Unless notified in writing prior to formation of the contract, no article shall be deemed of greater value than its original purchase price, or value assigned to the article by an independent valuation agent. The cost of articles of especially high value must be notified, in writing, prior to the formation of the contract.
Payment of work and services shall be made by cash or approved cheque on completion of the work.
Credit may be allowed only by prior agreement and then shall be for a maximum of 30 days from the date of invoice.
Whilst the Company will carry out all work with reasonable care and skill also take every reasonable care of the customer’s goods: –
a) It does not guarantee that stains or marks will be removed or soiled areas completely cleaned.
b) It does not accept responsibility for shrinkage or colour migration arising out of, or as a result of, the cleaning process, or the use of a cleaning agent, unless these arise from a lack of reasonable care and/or skill, nor does the Company accept any responsibility for loss or damage due to defects of whatsoever nature in the article.
Where the cleaning process is carried out at the customer’s own premises, the customer shall be responsible for removing all furniture, goods, chattels for the purpose of cleaning. The Company will not accept liability for any damage caused to furniture, goods, or chattels not removed by the customer, unless damage has occurred a result of negligence or lack of care on the part of the Company’s servants or agents.
(Save as hereinafter set out) the Company will not be liable to make good or pay damages to the customer for any loss or damage whether direct or indirect and howsoever arising. The only circumstances in which the Company shall be liable will be if:-
Damage is shown to have occurred as a result of the Company’s negligence or lack of care.

Drop us a line and let us take care of the hard work for you.  We're ready and waiting to exceed your expectations. 

    Contact us

    Safe Hands Cleaning

    Rockfield House, 512 Darwen Road, Bromley Cross, Bolton BL7 9DX

    Phone: 01204 263 025
